Monday, December 10, 2012

Reiki 1 class in MUMBAI on 15/16 Dec'12

Dear All
I am  pleased to announce that a Reiki 1 class will be conucted by me in  Powai, Mumbai on 15th / 16th Dec '12 , courtesy- Reiki Kendra.

Your support is solicited - plesase pass on the information to interested persons known to you.

Amar Kumar

Monday, September 24, 2012

Dear All,
Our website has been updated and is more responsive.And we are very pleased to inform you that  Mrs Nilima Kumar, Psychologist & Counsellor has joined us at Reiki Kendra and  has taken over the responsibility of giving counselling support to our clients at Reiki Kendra.
She has more than 22 years of rich experience as the School Counsellor at a Birla school in Kolkata, having around 3000 students from LKG to class 12. She has vast experience and expertise in tackling all types of problems faced by children of all age group. She feels parents counselling is also very important in many cases.
She has been associated with Samiskhoni - a centre for psychoanalytical studies and mental therapy.

See her profle on our website.You are welcome to avail this facility.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

follow me on:

Dear Friend

Hope you are doing well and practicing Reiki regularly. Remember more Reiki is better than less Reiki and some Reiki is always better than no Reiki.
If you have not done 2nd deg ....dont miss it--it gives unlimited capabilities of healing in a wide range.Also it is of great value in handling day to day life situations.Encourage your family members and other loved ones to learn Reiki wherever possible.Visit our website for training schedule and other updates.

Recently Times of India have taken me on board of Masters in their spiritual website . Also in the last few months they have publshed some of my articles under '' ''

I am attaching the same for you
1) Speaking Tree weekly supplementary dt 15.07.2012 of TOI introducing me
2) TOI dt 04.05.2012 -my article in
3) TOI dt 09.06.2012 - my article in
4) TOI dt 07.07.2012 -my article in attaching having lost the same.Pls send me if you have seen it.Thanks

You will get my updates time to time if you follow me on .Just click and tick
.Do become my friend on Face Book ,Twitter and Reiki Blog

Wishing you very best in your life
With love and light,

 Amar Kumar
Traditional Reiki Master Teacher

Reiki Kendra
24/1/1  Alipore Road, Kolkata 700027, West Bengal ,India



Mobile:   09831017775

My article in Times of India on 09.06.2012

My article in Times of India on 04.05.2012

My article featured in Times of India under on 04.05.2012

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Annual Reiki Meet 2012

Whole day was spent practicing Reiki and meditation-almost a revision of regular Reiki class.Every one enjoyed being there and went back with a new enthusiasm to continue Reiki practice in their daily life.Healing experiences shared by people were really were difficult to believe.

Dont miss it. Next Annual Reiki Meet 2013 on 26th Jan 2013

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Reiki Annual Meet 2012 on 26th Jan 9.30am-5.300pm

Dear Friend,

I am delighted to inform you that Annual Reiki Meet-2012 will be
hosted by Tiny Tots School, 1B Judges Court Road, Alipore ,Kolkata on
26th Jan.'12, duration 9.30am - 5.30pm. Photos attached.

Whole day of Reiki practice, discussions, clarifications, sharing of
healing experiences to strengthen your resolve to continue Reiki
practice with new zeal . Very good opportunity for those who have
still not learnt Reiki and are desirous of getting practical exposure
to Reiki healing and Meditation etc. Free treatment and mass healing
will be done.Its also an opportunity for those suffering from diseases
to get treated during the healing sessions


Entry fees Rs 250=00 including Lunch,Tea & Snacks etc.. Enroll
through SMS on 9831017775 or mail back giving your name and
mobile number or ring up 03365457602

Hope you are continuing Reiki practice on regular basis.Wishing you
all a very happy new year and looking forward to being with you.

Do visit our updated website and be my friend on Facebook, Blog ,Twitter
etc for updates from time to time. Reiki classes are held every weekend.Encourage your family
members to learn Reiki - as you know its useful whole life.

With love and light,

Amar Kumar